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Olympic Style Stars

YVES SAINT LAURENT Platform shoeYVES SAINT LAURENT Platform shoe (Image credit: Yves Saint Laurent )

Olympic Style Stars: There’s more to our Olympic athletes than sportswear – they wear normal clothes too! We took a closer look at some of the brands they wear outside of the training facilities.
Decoding Wedding Dress Codes: Is it just us, or have dress codes become increasingly difficult to figure out lately? What does cocktail attire really mean? And what are we supposed to do with “festive?” We spoke to the pros and had them clear up any confusion.
The Truth About Skin Whiteners: Dark spots crop up naturally with age and time spent in the sun, and while they might be unsightly, laser removal and whitening creams can be very, very risky.
How Hefty Will September’s Glossies Be?:We all know that September is the magazine industry’s biggest month, and now that fall is just around the corner, ad page numbers and covers have started to leak be released. We chronicled cover girls, ad pages and respective gains or losses for the biggest mags. Click through to see what the future issues will hold.
House Of Style‘s Homecoming: MTV announced that it will be bringing back an old favorite –House of Style! We got all the deets on what to expect and rounded up a list of people we hope will host the revival.
Gisele Is Officially Pregnant: What everyone has known all along (and what was previously unofficially confirmed) is true! Brazilian bikini babe Gisele Bundchen is expecting baby number two and is possibly already four months along!
Fall’s Craziest Beauty Trends: With each season comes a new beauty fad, usually in the hair and nail department, as they’re easy to attain for normal folks. So what should you be prepared for come September? Metallic hair (yes, really!) and OPI’s black spotted top coat, but only if you’re lucky enough to get your hands on the already-sold-out bottle.
YSL Unveils New Logo: The logo for the newly rebranded Saint Laurent Paris was unveiled this week, and we went back in time to see how it shapes up against the original YSL logo – back when the brand also went by Saint Laurent.
Launch Your Line With Kickstarter: Fundraising start-up Kickstarter has been used to finance movies, video games and restaurants, and now aspiring designers have taken to the site to garner the funds to produce a line. How does it all work? Click through to find out.
RIP K-Stew and R-Patz: Earlier this week, photos of Kristen Stewart snuggling up to a married man hit the internet, ending the actress’ relationship with fellow Twilight vampire Robert Pattinson. We weren’t sure how to properly express our sadness, so we outlined our journey through the seven stages of grief with Kristen Stewart’s editorial appearances.

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